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by 斯蒂芬妮·萨德勒
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Are you ready to take a leap with a new skill and a wonderful experience in 巴塞罗那? Today we're sharing with you some secrets to study and live abroad successfully in 西班牙.

哲学家路德维希·维特根斯坦出生在奥地利, 在英国学习和教学, 在挪威工作, 战争期间在俄国作战, 也在爱尔兰住过一段时间. 他和一篇关于西班牙的博文有什么关系? 不太直接, but his life of movement across borders was possible because he knew the importance of 语言 when it came to opening up opportunities.

He once made an observation that, "The limits of my 语言 are the limits of my world." And that's a statement that does have a lot to do with a blog post about studying abroad in 西班牙.

如果你现在唯一的西班牙语单词是 你好 你一点也不懂加泰罗尼亚语, don't let that stop you from seriously considering 巴塞罗那 as a study abroad destination. 事实上, 如果你还不会说这种语言, it's all the more reason to strongly look at 巴塞罗那 when you're choosing a study abroad city.

Think of how much you'll grow when you're spending your days soaking up a completely new 语言 that's constantly being spoken all around you - stretching, 一点一点地, 你自己世界的极限.

There are a few things you can do to make navigating life in 西班牙 through a 语言 barrier less intimidating and absolutely achievable. 相信我们, 如果你迈出这一步, you'll land on your feet with a powerful new skill and an incredible experience behind you.


(翻译: 准备好了?)

1. 开始在家学习.

You don't have to attend a university course to learn a 语言 these days. Download an app called Duolingo and spend five or 10 minutes a day in the months leading up to your departure playing the 语言 learning games. 它是免费的. 很容易. 甚至还很有趣. 如果你想更进一步, take notes on what you're learning so you can review them and make sure the lessons stick.

2. 事先考虑.

再一次。, 旅行前, make a list of some of the words or phrases you think would be most use useful during your time abroad. 翻译并记住它们. 其中一些最明显的问题可能是“洗手间在哪里”, “我正在学习西班牙语。, “你会说英语吗??”,“多少钱?" and some basic manners: "Please", "Excuse Me", "谢谢你!", "You're Welcome" and "Sorry."

3. 听前.

不管你是否明白你在听什么, 习惯听这种语言的声音, 单词和句子的节奏. 从“西班牙语笔记”到“咖啡休息西班牙语”, 有很多免费的播客可以在后台播放. 观看YouTube视频. 听西班牙音乐. 看西班牙电影. 找一些有声读物. All of these are fantastic for pre-study abroad 语言 exposure. If you happen to be friends with native Spanish speakers at home, ask them to speak Spanish in front of you while you soak in the conversation and, 如果他们能教你一些东西, 甚至更好的.

4. 接受学习过程.

当你在国外时, 这取决于你当时的语言能力, you probably won't be able to immediately jump in on a conversation with locals or even understand much at all, 但是要知道你是在一个学习的过程中. 你周围的人也会知道的. 所以不要害怕犯错误. 不要做一个完美主义者. Do relax and try to listen mindfully and contribute where you can. Understanding the conversations of others is a first step to speaking yourself.

5. 要知道还有其他的沟通方式.

It's incredible how much can be expressed by body 语言 and gestures when we need to fill the gaps. Even if the person you're communicating with speaks English, don't automatically switch to your own 语言 when you're stuck in Spanish. First, try to talk your way around a word you don't know by explaining it in another way. 如果你不记得怎么说你早上六点就醒了, you may remember how to say you got out of bed early this morning instead and that will get your point across. Or maybe you only remember the word for bed and you can play charades and hold up six fingers. The person you're speaking with will then repeat, in Spanish, what you were meaning to say. Making this sort of effort will help you remember for next time.

6. 边走边学.

There's nothing that helps you learn a 语言 better than immersion. Through your 语言 classes in 巴塞罗那 and your interactions throughout each day, 你会学到很多. 我们建议写下一些重要的词汇, 语法, and sentence structures that you pick up outside of your classes (and of course, 在他们!) as soon as possible and then taking some time at the end of each day or as you start each morning to review your last page of notes. 重复有助于语言记忆. And then try to use some of your new knowledge in your next conversation. 熟能生巧.

所以,当世界向你敞开大门的时候,大胆地走进这个世界吧, 这种新语言扩展了界限,打开了大门. 不要被吓倒. 要知道,一点一点地,你会学会的. 听. 当你被误解时,试着再试一次. 经常说话并要求纠正. 偶尔可以自嘲一下. 做笔记. 审查. 实践. 挑战你自己.

电影导演兼编剧费德里科·费里尼曾经说过, “不同的语言是对生活的不同看法." If you take a chance on yourself and study abroad in 巴塞罗那 despite a 语言 barrier, you will certainly come home with a different vision of life too.

斯蒂芬妮·萨德勒 内容创造者-博主.
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